Available projects

Explore Living Lab opportunities by browsing our list of available projects, each designed to support sustainability and real-world impact.

line of sustainable development goals

Apply for a Living Lab Project

The Living Lab projects listed here are proposed and owned by the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability.

If you're interested in applying for one of the living labs for your dissertation, please:

  1. Send your CV and an expression of interest to LPatters@exseed.ed.ac.uk before the indicated deadline (SRS reserves the right to assign projects before this deadline at the request of the SRS supervisor). Your expression of interest should be a paragraph explaining
    • Which project you are applying for.
    • Why you want to apply. 
    • Your skills and experience that could benefit the project. 
    • Your degree programmes name and dissertation application deadline. 
  2. If your application is successful, you, your SRS supervisor, and your academic supervisor will be asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding before starting the research. This document outlines how you'll work together and each party's responsibilities.  
  3. If you are unsuccessful you will be informed within three days of the application deadline.
Memorandum of Understanding (125.21 KB / DOCX)

Available Projects 2025

Projects for the Summer MSc dissertation period are now live. 

Wild Campus and Wellbeing, MSc dissertation 2025

Research Question "How do outdoor spaces on the University’s campus contribute to the health and wellbeing of its students and staff, and how might the University further support people to connect with nature on our campus?" 

Deadline for application Friday 28 February, 5pm.

Wild Campus and Wellbeing (557.87 KB / PDF)

Gamification, MSc Dissertation 2025

Research question "How can gamification be effectively leveraged to drive engagement with high-impact sustainability behaviours in a university setting, and how should content and communications be designed to maximise its impact?"

Deadline for application Friday 28 February, 5pm.

Gamification (503.52 KB / PDF)

Seed Germination in Ochil Hills, MSc Dissertation 2025

Research Question "What factors affect the germination of common rock-rose seed and how suitable are seeds for the Ochil Hills?"

Deadline for application Friday 28 February, 5pm


SDG Impact Story, MSc Dissertation 2025

Research question "What is the value of the University of Edinburgh producing a stand-alone SDG report on a regular basis?"

Deadline for application Friday 28 February, 5pm

SDG Impact Story (544.44 KB / PDF)

Fire Risk Assessment at Drumbrae, MSc Dissertation in School of Engineering 2025

Research question- "Can local monitoring from SRS Forest & Peatland sites be used in conjunction with existing fire danger assessment methods and to support their continuing development?"

Deadline for application 28th February 5pm.


Propose a project

If you have an idea for an alternative living lab project, we'd encourage you to get in touch.