Barvick Burn Wood is a 431-hectare site in Crieff, Perthshire that is owned and managed by the University of Edinburgh. We want to enhance biodiversity on the site by creating woodlands and improving habitats for plants and animals. Image Barvick Burn Wood This project will provide a wide range of opportunities for local communities, students and researchers whilst mitigating some of the University’s carbon emissions. Having previously been used as a grouse moor and for sheep grazing, we will be planting diverse trees, managing open habitats and working closely with our neighbours at the Barvick Burn site.We are in the process of producing a comprehensive proposal, which will outline and direct our work on this site. The proposal encompasses:woodland creationenhancing local biodiversityengaging with local communities surrounding the site and internally within the University of Edinburgh.Woodland designIn 2024, we provided opportunities for people to share their views on our woodland design via a pop up event, early engagement survey and our main public consultation. Our public consultation was open from 2 September to 7 October 2024. View the results from the public consultation.We are continuing to work with local communities and neighbours to bring positive social impact to the area. We continue to welcome comments and feedback. Feel free to study the resources below which include the draft woodland design, reports and maps. Maps, surveys and visualisations MapsConcepts mapLocation and context mapKith and UoE boundary mapAccess and protection mapOpportunities and constraints mapWoodland design mapReports and visualisationsCommunity PresentationLandscape VisualisationsArchaeology ReportEcology Assessment Timeline Spring 2024 Surveyed and analysed the site.Summer 2024 Drafted the woodland design taking into account social, silvicultural and conservation aims.Early community engagement survey and pop-up event at Loch Turret car park.We received 36 responses to the early engagement survey. View the word cloud, highlighting key themes.Autumn 2024 Public consultation with the local community and other statutory stakeholders on a draft woodland creation proposal, between 2 September and 7 October 2024.Public consultation event in Crieff on 5 September.We received 84 responses to the consultation survey. View the consultation summary.Winter 2024 Analyse feedback provided through the public consultation.Update the woodland creation proposal following the consultation with communities and stakeholders.Prepare our application to Scottish Forestry.Spring 2025Seek approval from Scottish Forestry.As part of the approval process, our woodland creation plan will be placed on Scottish Forestry’s public register for 28 days where the public will have the opportunity to comment.Summer 2025Woodland creation proposal is formally approved by Scottish Forestry.Following approval, the final plan and next steps will be shared with communities.Operations start on site, including ground preparation and deer fencing.Winter 2025/2026Tree planting on site begins. Our neighboursThe Kith Trust own the land to the East of the University’s site, and we will work together to manage the land in a way that benefits nature and local people, positively contributing to the wider area. Get in touch To contact us, please email us using our contact details below. Please state that you wish to speak with the Forest and Peatland team in your message. General enquiries Social Responsibility and Sustainability Contact details Social media: @edsust Work: +44 (0)131 651 3000 Email: Community Ranger Forest and Peatland Team Contact details Social media: @edsust Email: This article was published on 2024-10-01