Awards & recognition

Find out what awards and recognition the University's work on sustainability has received.

Sustainability  QS World University Rankings

In 2022 the QS World University Rankings – a leading world league table for the higher education sector – introduced sustainability as a framework.

The ranking offers new insights into the varying degrees of institutional engagement with the environmental and social agenda.

20252nd in the UK, 4th in Europe, 7th in the world
20243rd in the UK, 6th in Europe, 15th in the world
20231st in the UK, 1st in Europe, 4th in the world

Times Higher Education Impact Rankings

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings assess the social, environmental and economic impact of universities, assessing the performance of universities against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2024Joint 1st in the world for Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
20235th in the world for Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

International Sustainable Campus Network

The University is a member of the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), a body of over 90 universities from more than 30 countries who exchange knowledge and expertise on how to make universities more sustainable. They have an annual award scheme to celebrate sector leaders.


Winner: Whole systems approach

Winner of the “whole systems approach” award for our work to address the climate crisis through research, teaching, operations, governance and partnerships.

Green Gown Awards

Established in 2004, the Green Gown Awards UK and Ireland recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities, colleges and the learning and skills sectors across the UK and Ireland as the education sector leads a path to efficiency, employability and better quality of life all. 


Highly Commended: Benefitting Society (Edinburgh BioQuarter: Being good neighbours)

Finalist: Staff (Peter Buckley)


Highly Commended: Digital Futures

Finalist: Nature Positive

Finalist: Next Generation Learning and Skills


Winner: Research with Impact - Student

Highly commended: Money for Good

Finalist: Sustainability Champion - Student


Winner: 2030 Climate Action (Positive Futures)

Highly commended: Next Generation Learning and Skills (Students as Change Agents)

Finalist: Benefitting Society (supporting local action)

Finalist: Enterprise (student-led social enterprise)

Finalist: Sustainability Institution of the Year Award (social and civic responsibility)


Winner: Campus of the Future (Biodiversity and climate adaptation)

Finalist: Campus of the Future (Sports and Exercise)

Finalist: Next Generation Learning and Skills: the ESSA Project


Winner: Campus Health, Food and Drink

Winner: Total Reporting

Winner: Money for Good


Winner: Sustainability Institution of the Year

Highly Commended: Outstanding Leadership Team of the Year

Shortlisted: Sustainability Champion – Student (Lizzie Rhoades)

Shortlisted: Benefitting Society


Winner: Enterprise

Shortlisted: Continuous Improvement: Institutional Change

Shortlisted: Learning and Skills


Shortlisted: Learning and Skills

Shortlisted: Facilitates and Services


Winner: Facilities and Services

Shortlisted: Student Engagement

Investors in People

Investors in People silver banner

The Department achieved an Investors in People Silver accreditation in 2017, which lasted until 2020.