Scottish Government’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee visit the University

On Tuesday 9th May 2017, members of Scottish Government’s Environment, Climate Change & Land Reform Committee visited the University of Edinburgh to hear about the institution’s climate strategy, and visit the FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility.

MSPs visit UoE

The committee was greeted by Moira Gibson, Head of External Affairs, Laura Mackie of Edinburgh Research & Innovation, and Michelle Brown, Head of SRS Programmes in the Department for Social Responsibility & Sustainability.

Michelle gave a presentation on the University’s Climate Strategy and approach to social responsibility and sustainability, including topics such as energy efficiency, renewables, reducing the carbon footprint of business travel and the University’s engagement with staff, students and the wider Edinburgh community.

The MSPs then visited the FloWave facility to hear and see how it is used for developing and testing marine energy devices.

It was great to have the opportunity to discuss our key programmes with Members of the Scottish Parliament.

Michelle Brown
Head of SRS Programmes, University of Edinburgh

Reflecting on the visit, Michelle said “The University of Edinburgh’s vision is about delivering impact for society. Our Zero by 2040 Climate Strategy takes a whole institution approach and has generated widespread interest in collaborative approaches linking research, learning, teaching and operations. It was great to have the opportunity to discuss our key programmes with Members of the Scottish Parliament. This sparked further opportunities for the University to share its world-leading research on critical local and global issues with the Committee and we look forward to further discussions." 

For more information on the University’s climate strategy, visit the Zero by 2040 webpage.