University finalist in seven Green Gown Award categories

The University of Edinburgh - including members of staff and students - have been named finalists in seven categories in the 2019 Green Gown Awards, administered by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC).

green gown awards

Established in 2004, the awards recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK and Ireland. 


The University is a finalist in the following seven categories:

Benefitting Society for our work on Digital Ambassadors to help members of the community improve their digital literacy 
Campus Health, Food and Drink for our Good Food Policy, which promotes healthy, sustainable and affordable food
Money for Good for our work supporting social enterprises through £1.5 million of investments
Next Generation Learning and Skills for our Student Pathways, a form of co-curricular learning which encourages interdisciplinary and reflective learning and research 
Research with Impact for our work on OPERAs Project: Ecosystem science for policy and practice 
Total Reporting for our integrated reporting approach in our Annual Report and Accounts
Sustainability Staff Champion for Sharon Boyd, Lecturer in Distance Learning, for her work to embed sustainability in learning and teaching a the Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies. Sharon also received our SRS Changemaker Award at our 2018 Sustainability Awards

Read the full list of Green Gown Awards 2019 finalists


I am delighted to see the work of University of Edinburgh staff and students being recognised at a national level through the seven Green Gown Award nominations. It demonstrates the University's dedication to tackling the climate emergency and embedding sustainability in our research, teaching and operations. Congratulations to everyone who has helped us achieve this!  

Dave Gorman
Director for the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Green Gown Awards 2019

Winners and highly commended entries will be announced at the Green Gown Awards Ceremony, this year being held in the Glasgow Science Centre on Tuesday 26 November 2019.