The University of Edinburgh received an overall score of A in an annual assessment by the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, the world's leading proponent of responsible investment. Image What is responsible investment? Responsible investment is an approach to investing that aims to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions, to better manage risk and generate sustainable, long-term returns. Examples of factors include climate change, working conditions in supply chains, and board diversity and structure. In 2013, the University of Edinburgh became the first university in Europe to sign the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, an internationally-recognised initiative seeking to build a more sustainable financial system. Signatories commit to following six Principles for Responsible Investment and report annually to the PRI on their progress, who issue signatories with a scorecard and benchmarking against past performance, peer performance, and industry standards. University of Edinburgh: 2019 scorecard In the UNPRI's latest assessment of the University, the institution received its highest-ever score. Overall score A Strategy & Governance A+ Listed Equity A Fixed Income - SSA A Fixed Income - Corporate Financial A Fixed Income - Corporate Non-Financial A Fixed Income - Securitised A Property - Indirect A Property - Direct & active ownership A For more detailed information, read the University of Edinburgh's Transparency Report 2019 and the PRI's assessment methodology. Note: Assessment Reports are the intellectual property of PRI. Third party organisations who have accessed assessment reports outside of the Data Portal and intend to use assessment reports require the prior written consent of PRI (other than for internal use or research or for the sole benefit of the organisation whose report this refers to). Since the University became a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment in 2013 we have taken many positive steps to ensure our investments are a force for good: such as our commitment to transition out of fossil fuels investments by 2021; our £60m investment in sustainable and low carbon companies; and our zero-tolerance stance on modern slavery. "This latest report from the PRI is confirmation that we're using our investments wisely; not just for the benefit of the University, but for the benefit of society as a whole. Lee HamillDirector of Finance Read the PRI's Transparency Report 2019 for the University of Edinburgh Read our summary of responsible investments in academic year 2017/18 Publication date 24 Jul, 2019