The University has published its second Modern Slavery Statement, detailing commitments, policies and procedures related to reducing risks of modern slavery in its sphere of influence. Image Modern slavery risks are considered in relation to people working on campuses, our supply chains, fundraising and investments, overseas employment and international partnerships. The statement provides an update on work related to modern slavery in the 2016/17 university year, and replaces the previous 2016/16 statement. The statement also includes an action plan for the current year, and Key Performance Indicators, to provide measures of progress. Progress outlined in this statement includes preparing standard contract terms and conditions, research to further understand modern slavery risks in University supply chains, engagement with suppliers, and further awareness-raising. Commercial organisations, including many universities, are required to publish an annual statement detailing the approach they have taken to mitigating risks of modern slavery, under the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015). Read the University of Edinburgh's updated Modern Slavery Statement Publication date 12 Jan, 2018