Could you represent the University in the Edinburgh Fairtrade City group?

Edinburgh has held Fairtrade City status since 2004. The University works with the Council to officially support fair trade and help the city work towards agreed fair trade goals.

fairtrade worker

The University of Edinburgh, the Council and a range of local businesses, individuals and organisations make up the Edinburgh Fairtrade steering group, which meets regularly to find ways to promote fair trade in the city. Anyone with an interest in fair trade is welcome to join the network or take a more active role as a member. 

The group currently has a vacancy for a representative of the University of Edinburgh. This a voluntary role open to staff and students. Deadline: 5 December 2018.

The role involves:

  • Representing the University and its commitment to fair trade
  • Helping to organise the main annual fair trade festival during Fairtrade Fortnight, as well as other smaller events throughout the year
  • Contributing to discussions on how to help Edinburgh become an even more fair trade city
  • Feed in fair trade related stories from the University to the group (if there are any) to contribute to the EFTCG newsletter

There are other things to get involved in if you are interested, including social media, representing the group at fair trade and social justice events across the city, administration for the monthly meetings, although none of this is obligatory.

Register your interest

Please use your University of Edinburgh email address.



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Find out more about the group on the Council website

Learn about fair trade at the University